
Environment and Sustainability

Our business provides nature-based solutions. We enhance biodiversity, produce timber for sustainable construction, sequestrate carbon and provide green spaces for recreational activities.

Sustainability is integral to the way we deliver our services and provide our products

Our business provides nature-based solutions. Our service delivery for our clients includes enhancing biodiversity, timber production for sustainable construction, sequestration of carbon and provision of recreational activities.

We provide landscaping and ecological services to improve utilities and highways infrastructure and carry out parkland and habitat restoration work.

We manage the UK’s largest scheme for the certification of woodlands to the UK Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS).

We are contributing to positive change and a sustainable future

We endeavour to contribute to sustainable development as part of our services.

We are mindful and proactive in considering the services we provide, and our business strategy takes a holistic approach to all stakeholders.

We work to raise awareness of our services with the public, listen to neighbours and others concerns and wishes to fully understand how we can contribute more to local communities through social value.

Our services deliver many environmental benefits; however, we recognise our own impacts and the current climate emergency and biodiversity crisis.

Tilhill is certified to the environmental management standard ISO 14001 by an UKAS accredited body and is supported by a professionally qualified in-house assurance team which includes its environment & sustainability manager and forest ecologists.

We are uniquely placed with our services and activities to contribute to positive change and a sustainable future.

The principal themes of our environment and sustainable business policy are:
