
Julian Hollingdale

Julian Hollingdale BSc (Hons) MICFor, Forest Certification & Development Manager

Julian, Forest Certification & Development Manager, began his career at Tilhill in 2001 as an Assistant Forest Manager in Oban, West Highland District. From 2003 to 2010 he worked for the South East District as a Contracts Manager, working on a wide range of soft and latterly, hard landscaping projects.

He moved north to Inverness as a Senior Forest Manager working on both woodland creation schemes and managing commercial forests.

Julian has been a professional member of the Institute of Chartered Foresters since 2013 and an ICF assessor since 2016.


Julian Hollingdale MICFor,
Forest Certification and Development Manager,
Tel: 07876790473
Email: julian.hollingdale@tilhill.com

FSC® Certification Code: SA-FM/COC-004552
FSC® Licence Code: FSC-C018469
