

Fanans Long Term Forest Plan

Thank you for your interest in proposals for a long-term forest management plan at Fanans forest which will set out the planned operations for the next 20 years in accordance with the UK Forestry Standard (UKFS), 5th Edition (Published 2023), available to view here: The UK Forestry Standard – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Additionally, the proposed plan will be used to assess Fanans for forest certification under the UK Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS).

The UKWAS (endorsed by the Forest Stewardship Council® www.fsc.org, and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification™ www.pefc.org) sets out the management standards which woodland and forest owners, managers and forest certification bodies can use to certify woodland and forest management in the United Kingdom.  The Standard, which can be seen at www.ukwas.org.uk, is the product of an inclusive and transparent process which has involved a balanced representation from the UK forestry and environmental communities.

The Standard requires that local people and relevant organisations are made aware when a forest is being evaluated and are able to engage with the manager. Fanans forest has applied to join the Tilhill Forestry Resource Manager Certification scheme which is certified by the ‘Woodmark Programme’.

We want to hear from you

Please take part in the initial consultation survey at the bottom of this page, or submit comments per the instructions in the scoping document available below.

Any comments regarding the certification of Fanans can also be copied to:

  1. Jullian Hollingdale MICFor. Forest Certification & Development Manager, Tilhill, 43 Clachnaharry Road, Inverness. IV3 8RA
  2. James Evans, Soil Association Certification, Spear House, 51 Victoria Street, Bristol, BS1 6AD

What’s Happening?

Fanans Forest has recently changed ownership and the new owner has engaged Tilhill Forestry to provide forest management services and to prepare a Long-Term Forest Plan, integrating the owner’s objectives in line with the UKFS and UKWAS.


1. What is being proposed for the woodlands in Fanans?

This Long-Term Forest Plan (LTFP) will cover the entirety of Fanans Forest, circa 580 hectares (ha), with 1 hectare equalling an area of 100m x 100m. The forest was planted in 1989/90 and within the 580ha there are around 210ha of commercial conifers, of which 195ha are at or approaching harvestable age.

As such the plan will set out proposal for felling and replanting of these areas, along with works required to facilitate this and any works required to make the forest compliant with today’s standards.

2. How many trees will be planted?

Restocking will occur to achieve UKFS mandated stocking densities as prescribed through felling permission documentation issued by Scottish Forestry. These are 2 500 stems per ha for conifers after 5 years, and 1 100 stems per ha for broadleaves after 5 years.

3. What species mix? And why?

The minimum species composition of a forest is mandated by the UKFS. This details the minimum proportions for different species and areas of open ground within a forest area.

As a commercial forest, the owner is seeking to maximise the productive extent of the forest within the proportions as listed in UKFS on ground that can support a productive crop. As such the main species will be Sitka spruce, with diversity maintained through the expansion of local native broadleaves (see Q5).

4. What is the tree provenance?

There is a significant hardwood seed source in Fanans and as such broadleaf expansion will hopefully occur from natural regeneration, making provenance hyper-local. Should any enrichment planting be required in these areas, then all native broadleaves will be planted from the same or neighbouring provenance as directed in the UKFS, and hopefully sourced from Taynuilt Trees located just 2.5km away.

5. How much carbon will be sequestered throughout the project?

As this plan currently does not incorporate any woodland creation, there will be no additional carbon sequestration associated with the ongoing sustainable management of the existing forest in Fanans.

6. Will the timber haulage cause disruption?

Timber haulage will be onto the B845, an ‘Agreed’ route with the Argyll Timber Transport Group, meaning it is not subject to any restrictions. Haulage will be planned for socially acceptable hours to minimise any potential disruption as much as possible, and hauliers will be instructed not to convoy on the B845, ensuring that passing places function as they should for local motorists.

7. Will there be public access?

Whilst there are no formal routes for public access, access will be possible in accordance with the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. As the main entrance to Fanans is shared with a residential neighbour, there are no plans to formalise or publicise public access to ensure their right to privacy is maintained.

8. Will there be habitat and species protection?

Yes. along the western bpundary of Fanans, a proportion of both the Loch Etive Woods Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and the Glen Nant Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) lie within the ownership. The plan will set out how these areas will be protected and, where possible, enhanced.

The plan will also provide an opportunity to identify any other species and habitats of importance and consider how these can be managed directly to maintain or enhance, as well as within the context of the proposed works in the commercial areas.

All operations will also be preceded with the appropriate environmental checks to ensure that no work negatively impacts any previously unidentified habitats, species, archaeology, or watercourses.

Where possible, the biodiversity of the forest will be enhanced through the expansion of native broadleaf and the management of the existing native broadleaf woodlands.

9. Why manage forests?

Woodlands improve the quality of our environment:

  • Wooded catchments help protect the quality of our drinking water supplies and can reduce the impact of flood events.
  • Trees capture harmful pollutants in our atmosphere and improve our air quality.
  • Tree canopies provide shade, shelter, and absorb sound. Soils, animals, and humans can be protected from the extremes that our weather and climate can throw at us.
  • Woodlands help to stabilise soils, reducing erosion and slips. They can protect against pollution by providing a buffer between source and receptor and help the recovery of any contaminated land. Woodlands offer a rich habitat for a range of species including critical pollinators, birdlife, animals, and plants.

By sustainably managing forests we can generate a sustainable timber supply while also ensuring that areas important for biodiversity and amenity are preserved. All forests and woodlands provide beneficial services including amenity, biodiversity. clean air, and clean water, and through management that is compliant to UKFS and UKWAS we will be able to maintain a balance between all these forest benefits.

Fanans LTFP Scoping Information


Map 1 - Location & Access


Map 2 - Current Species


Map 3 - Hazards & Constraints


Map 4 - Draft Felling Proposals


Map 5 - Draft Restock Proposals


Map 6 - Concept Map


We want to hear from you

Please take part in the initial consultation survey below.
