
Natural Capital

A well-managed forest can be an asset which grows in value as it enhances the environment. Tilhill manages thousands of hectares of our UK clients’ natural capital assets which are often thriving commercial woodlands and forests providing ecosystem services.

Woodlands and forests improve the lives of the local community whilst performing important economic activities such as capturing carbon, generating a sustainable timber supply, habitat creation and flood reduction, whilst aiding clients in providing a long-term income. 

Tilhill is a one stop shop for farmers, landowners, investors, and businesses looking to assess their natural capital to increase biodiversity and their ecosystem services.  

Biodiversity and Natural Capital

Biodiversity is absolutely critical for the long-lasting viability of businesses. It is all life on Earth – trees, plants, animals and the micro-organisms, which provide us with everything we need for survival such as oxgygen, medicine, food and fresh water.

The loss of nature and pressures from loss of biodiversity and climate change are creating risks for businesses such as flooding, fires and the extinction of species such as the worlds important conifers, providing populations with fast growing sustainable timber to meet our need for more carbon friendly, building materials than steel and concrete, and for garden products such as fencing and sleepers. 

Science suggests that forests planted in the UK for wood products have significant value as a biodiversity habitat, this includes non-native species. Evidence-based management measures have become standard forestry practice in enhancing these maturing habitats, such as creating structural diversity and incorporating native tree species. For further information read Confors Biodiversity report. 

Tilhill’s professional chartered foresters, Ecology and forestry investment teams work together to reduce these risks for clients by creating healthy resilient productive and conservational forests fit for the future. 

Our Natural Capital Services

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Natural Capital
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