
Breeding Birds

All wild birds, their nests and eggs, are protected by law and some rare species are afforded special protection.
Depending on your location the breeding season can start in February/March and last through to late August.

What to look for:
• Breeding activity which may include singing, courtship displays or nest building activity.
• Nestling/fledgling feeding activity.
• Potential nesting sites: every mature tree is a potential nest site as are thick hedges and scrub vegetation.
• Nests: If you find an occupied nest or fell a tree with a nest in it STOP work immediately and contact your line manager.

Intentional or Reckless?
It will be an intentional act if, for example, you continue to reduce or remove a hedgerow, tree or shrub, after you
discover, or are told that birds are nesting there.
The discovery of a nest should be dealt with by either applying a buffer zone or altering the timing of the works.

Avoid prosecution:
• All wild birds, their nests and eggs are protected against intentional or reckless damage.

If you think you have found a
nest on site, STOP immediately
and inform your line manager.

Proceed with any works that might
harm breeding birds.


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