
Climate Change Adaptation of Forests, Woods and Trees in England (online workshops announced)

Online Workshops – 7th, 16th, 21st and 28th October 2020


Featuring in-depth content developed and presented by expert members of the Forestry Climate Change Working Group (FCCWG), this informative series of events will provide attendees with a comprehensive overview of the principles for adapting trees and woodlands to climate change, information on which silvicultural systems are best suited to managing species mixes, and also offer advice on how to select species to meet management objectives.

Four events will be held throughout October, with a diverse range of content being delivered through a mix of presentations, case studies and panel discussions. These sessions were developed following the publication of the Forestry Commission’s Managing England’s Woodlands in a Climate Emergency with a view to providing more guidance to the sector.

These free online sessions will run for between 60-90 minutes and will be proudly hosted by the Institute of Chartered Foresters.


Session 1: The Challenge

7th October – 11am

Chaired by Martin Glynn FICFor, this session will give attendees an overview of the principles for adapting trees and woodlands to climate change alongside insights into the findings of the British Woodland Survey 2020.


Simon Lloyd, Chief Executive of the Royal Forestry Society

Gabriel Hemery FICFor, Chief Executive of the Sylva Foundation


Session 2: Silvicultural Systems

16th October – 11am

Chaired by Dr Gabriel Hemery FICFor, this session will provide attendees information on which silvicultural systems are best suited to managing current and future species mixes in their woodlands.


Dr Gary Kerr FICFor, Principal Silviculturist at Forest Research and Editor-in-Chief for Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research

Alastair Hotchkiss, Conservation Adviser at the Woodland Trust

Iwan Parry MICFor, Senior Forest Manager at Tilhill in Wales


Session 3: Species Choice

21st October – 11am

Chaired by Simon Lloyd, Chief Executive of the Royal Forestry Society, this session will give attendees information on how to select species and provenances to meet management objectives.


Rob Coventry, Woodland Resilience Officer at the Forestry Commission

Chris Reynolds, Project Leader at Forest Research

Adam Todd, Forest Manager at Pryor & Rickett Silviculture


Session 4: Decision Support Tools

28th October – 11am

Chaired by Sam Brown MICFor, Forest Manager at Tilhill this session will provide attendees with information on the use and limitations of current decision support tools for adaptation.


Alastair Semple, Planning Forester at the Forestry Commission

Emily Fensom, Woodland Resilience Officer at the Forestry Commission

Chris Sorensen, Woodland Resilience Officer at Forestry Commission


The Forestry Climate Change Working Group is comprised of several leading forestry organisations, including CLA, CONFOR, Defra, the Forestry Commission, Forest Research, the Future Trees Trust, the Institute of Chartered Foresters, Lockhart-Garratt, Natural England, the National Trust, Pryor and Rickett, the Royal Forestry Society, the Sylva Foundation, Tilhill, the Tree Council, Woodland Heritage and the Woodland Trust. It was created to drive forward closer relationships with government in terms of policy, forestry strategy, regulation, science and innovation.


Read the FCCWG’s Forestry Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report.



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