Safety & Assurance Bulletin - January 23

Return to work

Welcome back to work, I trust you had a restful and enjoyable break over the Christmas period and took some time for yourselves to recuperate after what was a busy 2022.

Before you start work again this year I’d like for each of us to reflect on the main risks we have to manage when working.

You must review:

  • Site conditions.
  • Operators on site.
  • Work equipment condition.
  • Controls in place to manage the risks. Ask yourself and discuss with your team:
  1. Are the controls still adequate for all work?
  2. Are they being effective?
  3. Has anything changed or tasks added since starting the site?
  4. Has everyone working on site had a briefing on the risks and controls?
  5. Are supervision levels correct?
  6. Has anything changed over the Christmas period?

As I write this in mid-December we have worked through 2022 without a lost time injury to an employee. I hope that as you read this we will have succeeded in seeing this achievement hold for the whole year.
However, we have had 7 lost time injuries to contractors, 4 of which occurred in November. This is an increase from the 4 we had in the whole of 2021, and is 7 too many.

As I write this in mid-December we have worked through 2022 without a lost time injury to an
If in doubt employee.

The learning points from incidents and near misses are included in the articles written in this Bulletin through the year.
As ever, we are always striving to improve our Safety & Assurance performance and I ask you to play your part through 2023.


Safety & Assurance Bulletin January 2023

