
Rewarded for Quick Thinking

It is well known that during our works the potential for things to go wrong is always present. How we respond to such incidents though is important. We thought we would share with you an incident that could have easily resulted in a significant environmental incident if the right response hadn’t been taken.

  • A machine operator had broken through his machine’s belly plate and fractured the engine sump while climbing over a high stump. The operator noticed the damage immediately, stopped the machine and began to contain the oil spill with his spill kit. The operator disposed of the used spill kit in the correct manner and took the additional precaution of digging a containment sump as a precaution in case of any further spillage. A new spill plan was then implemented, and extra spill kits were delivered to site

Because of the quick thinking of the operator a significant environmental incident was avoided. This was recognised by Forestry and Land Scotland by them issuing a green card.


  • Ensure your machine has adequate spill kit provision
  • Ensure you know how to use your spill kit – training is available
  • If an incident occurs stop and immediately implement the spill
  • Ensure that you clean up all spills fully and dispose of spill kits in the correct
  • Report your incident to the Tilhill Forestry


