June 2021 Safety and assurance bulletin

World Environment Day 2021

Together We Can Be #Generationrestoration

With World Environment Day starting this month on 5th June we wanted to say THANK YOU to the vast majority of our contractors that have demonstrated that they share our commitment to prevent pollution by completing our Diffuse Pollution training as requested.




Introducing the training was part of our environment and sustainability objectives to develop environmental training for our forestry contractors.

The prevention of diffuse pollution is essential for our water environment and the target to develop and roll out the diffuse pollution training to all machine operators is designed to help achieve this and supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals 6 Clean Water and Sanitation, through improving water quality by reducing pollution (Target 6.3).

We are aware though that, in spite of the deadline for completion having now passed, some contractors have not yet taken up the training. The training is still open and you must now complete this.

There are two videos to take you through the issues and then a short test of your understanding to complete. You can access the online training by using the QR Code provided or by emailing ios@tilhill.com

