May 2021

Site Safe

When you leave site at the end of the day, how do you leave it? What checks do you make before leaving?

I expect you check the site store, the fuel storage, and that the welfare unit and machines are all locked up from a security point of view, but what about safety risks?

  • We work in sectors that have inherent risks in the equipment and working methods we employ. Before leaving site we must make sure that machinery and work are left in a safe condition.

The level of precautions taken must be proportionate to the risk. If the site is next to public footpaths or where there is significant public access then precautions must take this in to account.


site safe #2

Don’t forget to consider:
• Are all site boundary fences secure and gates locked?
• Are site boundary fences stable, e.g. braced or supported?
• Are excavations securely fenced and/or covered?
• Have materials been stored in such a way to prevent toppling over?
• Is an access to height controlled?
• Are hung up trees made safe, or where appropriate taped off and signed?
• Have power sources been isolated?
• Are part finished works left in safe condition?
• Is machinery locked and secured?
• Are hazardous substance locked away?

Site Safe site safe #3
