
Tilhill Forestry Contractor Wins FISA Safety Award

FISA has recently awarded two awards for safety. The Forest Industry Safety Award and the Steve Dresser Award. The latter being for an individual who has made a significant or noteworthy contribution to safety.

Nominations were sought from the industry earlier this year FISA have announced the winners as follows:

Steve Dresser Safety Award –Truck driver of DW Agri Haulage passing a young cyclist in June 2018. The BBC news article and video went viral. Watch in full here.

Forest Industry Safety Award – Colin Brolly Forestry, nominated by Kirsty Adams, Head of Safety & Assurance Team of Tilhill Forestry, for putting into practice real improvements in safety a great example of a medium sized company.

Colin said: “I am delighted to accept this award on behalf of Colin Brolly Forestry. It is rewarding to have our good practice and commitment to safety recognized but this is only possible through the hard work, dedication and good team effort from everyone who works for Colin Brolly Forestry. Long may it continue!”

Colin Brolly was presented the Forest Industry Safety Award from Gavin Brown, West Highland Regional Harvesting Manager of Tilhill Forestry. Gavin said upon presenting the award: “Given the nature of the risks involved harvesting timber, it is really pleasing that a medium size family business such as this now has a dedicated health and safety officer to ensure that safety is at the forefront of their business.”

Nominations for the 2019 awards are now open. If you’ve seen good safety in practice please let us know – info@ukfisa.com




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