
Upper Sonachan

Upper Sonachan Long Term Forest Plan

Thank you for your interest in proposals for a Long-Term Forest Plan (LTFP) at Upper Sonachan Forest, which will set out the planned operations for the next 20 years in accordance with the UK Forestry Standard (UKFS), 5th Edition (Published 2023), available to view here.

Additionally, the proposed plan will be used to assess Upper Sonachan for forest certification under the UK Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS).

The UKWAS (endorsed by the Forest Stewardship Council® www.fsc.org, and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification™ www.pefc.org) sets out the management standards which woodland and forest owners, managers and forest certification bodies can use to certify woodland and forest management in the United Kingdom.  The Standard, which can be seen at www.ukwas.org.uk, is the product of an inclusive and transparent process which has involved a balanced representation from the UK forestry and environmental communities.

We want to hear from you

The Standard requires that local people and relevant organisations are made aware when a forest is being evaluated and are able to engage with the manager.

Any comments regarding the certification of Upper Sonachan can also be copied to:

  1. Jullian Hollingdale MICFor.  Forest Certification & Development Manager, Tilhill Forestry, 10 Lotland Street, Inverness, IV1 1PA
  2. Soil Association Certification, Spear House, 51 Victoria Street, Bristol, BS1 6AD

Upper Sonachan Scoping Report


Restocking Map


Concept and Felling Map


We want to hear from you

Please using the contact form below to send any comments.

Upper Sonachan Consultation Form

Fields marked with an * are required


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